Repa Proceeding Series
Open Access | Peer-reviewed | Fast Publication Assistant Editor: Ms. Michell Ann.
ISSN 2435-7308
DOI Index 10.37357/1068/rps
Repa Proceeding Series (ISSN 2435-7308)

The Research and Education Promotion Association – Repa Proceeding Series (RPS) is a peer-reviewed semi-annual publication dedicated to the latest research on "Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)." This series offers interdisciplinary coverage of sustainability, addressing its environmental, technological, social, institutional, and economic pillars for long-term sustainability.

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 Conference Proceeding (Special Issue)   Open Access   Published  Crossmark
AI applications in smart cities’ energy systems automation Moghaddam SMSH, Dashtdar M, and Jafari H.
Repa Proceeding Series, 2022, 3 (1): 1-5  DOI 10.37357/1068/CRGS2022.3.1.01


Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a significant role in energy systems transformations in smart cities. Climate change and environmental sustainability imposed utilities to shift toward renewable energy resources and technologies applications in recent decades. Renewable energy technology deployment is associated with high initial investment and integration with the existing supply and demand systems. Operation stability has been challenging to integrate renewable energy with the customary old systems. On the other hand, renewable energy ensures sustainable energy and future development with minimum loss and greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, AI is the primary mover of power systems modernization with high accuracy of management and control. This study tried to evaluate the efficiency and performance of AI in the renewable energy sector, focusing on the European Union as the case study. This study analyzes the first renewable energy processes in the chain and energy from gross to final consumption. Afterward economic consequences of renewable energy using natural resources (solar, wind, etc.) in smart cities are discussed. Finally, the efficiency of AI in renewable energy is examined, followed by future work.


Seyed Mohammad Sadegh Hosseini Moghaddam 
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Bushehr University, Bushehr, Iran

Massoud Dashtdar 
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Bushehr University, Bushehr, Iran

Hamideh Jafari 
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Bushehr University, Bushehr, Iran

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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Conference Proceeding (Special Issue)   Open Access   Published  Crossmark
A review of zero energy residential complex in the smart city environment Mousavi Rad E, Mousavi Z, and Razmjou M.
Repa Proceeding Series, 2022, 3 (1): 6-11  DOI 10.37357/1068/CRGS2022.3.1.02


According to the studies conducted by the Energy Consumption Management and Optimization Organization, in the common constructions of the country, energy loss in buildings is often 22% through windows, 22% from floors, and 30% from walls. Applying the principles of energy consumption optimization in coordination with climatic conditions and design uses, as well as the use of active and passive methods, can play an effective role in reducing energy consumption in conventional urban buildings. This research aims to provide solutions that address how to reduce energy consumption while creating quality in the architectural space. These solutions are obtained by recognizing the indicators of sustainable and comparative study with the climate of the desired design context. In the present study, the role of technology and digital tools in the field, which is the first and most important step in locating roles and functions, as well as small-scale designs such as building facades. Then, the architectural recommendations of the climate and international standards were examined, and a total of solutions were presented to reach the zero energy building (ZEB). Finally, the simulation method in Design Builder software analyzed the amount of energy consumption in the residential complex and using the analysis of the researchers' efforts and finding the best answer to the problems of architecture and urban planning; results show a significant reduction in energy consumption to be able to manage available resources in the best way.


Eisa Mousavi Rad 
Department of Electrical Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Faculty of Engineering, Marvdasht University, Fars, Iran

Zahra Mousavi 
Department of Electrical Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Faculty of Engineering, Marvdasht University, Fars, Iran

Mehro Razmjou 
Department of Electrical Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Faculty of Engineering, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Conference Proceeding (Special Issue)   Open Access   Published  Crossmark
Afghanistan fuel market prediction Rahmaty H, Ershad AM, and Sabory N.
Repa Proceeding Series, 2020, 1 (1): 1-12  DOI 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.01


Afghanistan is an underdeveloped country with a good rebuilding and developing potential. It is obvious that the amount of energy consumption of each country directly affects its economy and GDP. All economic activities are directly or indirectly linked to the energy sector. That is why the energy sector is considered a backbone of the countries development as well as means of achieving sustainable economic development. Accurate evaluation and studying of the energy market and prediction of the future’s energy market is significant to taking proper decisions, making effective and applicable energy policies and goals regarding energy policies. Consequently, it will have a huge influence on the economic and political future of a country. Fossil fuel has a huge share among the energy consumption sources, as well as playing the main role to run the power sector, transportation sector, and industrial sectors. Exports of fossil fuel are also somehow linked to a proper analysis of the internal demand and production rate as well as capacity in the future. In this research, we present Afghanistan’s fuel demand and its future situation prediction by 2032, based on three scenarios. It has been the first time that such research is performed in Afghanistan and will enable energy and fossil fuel sectors to use, analyze, and explore the findings of this research for the purpose of strategic planning, export and import predictions.


Hasibullah Rahmaty 
Kabul University

Ahmad Murtaza Ershad 
Kabul University

Najib Rahman Sabory 
Kabul University

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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Conference Proceeding (Special Issue)   Open Access   Published  Crossmark
Development of hydropower in Afghanistan for clean and sustainable energy Ghubar N, and Shirani H.
Repa Proceeding Series, 2020, 1 (1): 13-21  DOI 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.02


There are promising opportunities to produce clean and sustainable energy from micro, mini, small and large hydropower plants in Afghanistan. The Government of Afghanistan has planned to build several hydropower plants. One of them is Baghdara Dam Hydro-Power project in Kapisa province and is expected to produce 210 MW. In the feasibility study, two dam axis configurations were considered, one creating a small reservoir, the other creating a large reservoir. However, a recommendation comparing advantages and disadvantages was not addressed. In this paper, we compare possible Baghdara Dam axis locations and recommend one for future construction that produces optimal electric power, especially during the winter season, and provides clean potable water to New Kabul City. We have determined that dam location A (with a small reservoir) would need a long tunnel to the power station, which requires advanced technology and accurate geological surveying that is not available in Afghanistan. Axis D (with a large reservoir) will recharge downstream hydropower plants such as Kapar (120 MW), Naghlo (100 MW), Sarobi-1 (22 MW), Sarobi-2 (180 MW), and Daronta (12 MW). The large reservoir will also stop sediment ponding at the Naghlo hydropower reservoir. This case study shares an in-depth technical and practical lessons-learned with researchers, students, and practitioners.


Naqibullah Ghubar 
Ministry of Energy and Water

Habiburahman Shirani 
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University

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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Conference Proceeding (Special Issue)   Open Access   Published  Crossmark
A typical design for energy-efficient building: A case study of zero energy building Ahmadi AM, Sabori NR, and Halim M.
Repa Proceeding Series, 2020, 1 (1): 22-31  DOI 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.03


Recently, the consumption of energy in residential buildings has increased. On one hand, urbanization increased energy consumption in residential buildings. On the other hand, construction of nonstandard buildings especially residential buildings, caused excessive energy waste. Implementation of energy efficiency and zero-energy building strategies is one of the best solutions to decrease energy waste and energy intensity in a residential building in Kabul City. This research is conducted to design typical energy-efficient and zero energy building strategies for Kabul City. The majority of people use unrefined fossil fuels for heating. As we know, fossil fuels cause environmental pollution. To burn these fuels, most greenhouse gases GHGs emissions are released in the atmosphere, and these GHGs are very harmful to health and cause different types of illnesses. This study is performed in two stages. First, the construction cost of a customarily built building is calculated. Then, the heat loss and heat gain of this inefficient building are also calculated. The same procedure is repeated for a more efficient and insulated building. After comparing, it is revealed that an insulated building saves 65% of the energy and emits 60% less CO2 compared to the inefficient building. To make this building a zero-energy building, we tried using photovoltaic technology. All-electric loads for this building are calculated, and the components of the photovoltaic system are designed accordingly. Finally, the implementation of energy-efficient and zero-energy building has lots of benefits of cost-saving, being environment-friendly, reduced illness, and individual sustainability for each building.


Ahmad Masih Ahmadi 
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University

Najib Rahman Sabori 
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University

Mustafa Halim 
Energy Sector Improvement Program (ESIP), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ)

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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Conference Proceeding (Special Issue)   Open Access   Published  Crossmark
Assessment of carbon pollution in Kabul river and its solutions based on the material flow analysis model, ESRISS Oria S, and Sadat SH.
Repa Proceeding Series, 2020, 1 (1): 32-38  DOI 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.04


Kabul river is the main river in Kabul city and eastern Afghanistan which passes through 200 kilometers of the heart of Kabul. For the river to serve its ecological purposes, like water supply and environmental quality control, water flow should be optimized both in terms of quantity and quality. However, the water in its inundation season, spring, is very high in pollution and the river bed is waterless and full of solid wastes throughout the rest of the year. The goal of this research was to present a quantitative assessment of carbon as a water quality parameter in Kabul river in the geography of Afghanistan, to detect probable sources of this pollutant and to suggest feasible pollution management approaches. The study was based on the Material Flow Analysis (MFA) model, developed by the Egyptian-Swiss Research on Innovation in Sustainable Sanitation (ESRISS) Project. The effect of hydropower dams, in the concentration of carbon in the river, as a water quality parameter, was evaluated. A segment of the river between the Naghlo hydropower dam and the Darunta dam was chosen for carbon content analysis. As a result of this analysis, we can provide data for carbon quantity in the specified segment of the river. Moreover, we will be able to apply this methodology for providing water quality analysis for almost any segment of the river and suggest relevant feasible solutions for water pollution problems.


Sosan Oria 
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University

Sayed Hashmat Sadat 
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University

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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Conference Proceeding (Special Issue)   Open Access   Published  Crossmark
A GIS-based approach for rural electrification planning in Afghanistan with focus on renewable energy Rasooli Z, Arzoo Z, and Puya M.
Repa Proceeding Series, 2020, 1 (1): 39-45  DOI 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.05


Access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and clean electricity, goal 7 of SDG, interconnected with 5 other goals and 125 (out of 169) targets of SDGs, is an essential factor to the success of any economic growth strategy. While 89 percent of households reported having access to any kind of electricity forms in the 2013-2014 (Afghanistan Living Conditions Survey), only 29.7 percent received their power from the grid, which covers only a small portion of electrified rural households. To select the most appropriate options for electrification of rural areas, a multicriteria decision-making approach has been used. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a multicriteria decision-making method used combined with GIS to analyze different options. In this paper, a methodology framework incorporating decision analysis techniques has been presented to evaluate and determine a suitable energy system for rural electrification with a perspective on sustainable development goals. Renewable energy, diesel generator, and national grid expansion have been compared to different options from different views and criteria.


Zahra Rasooli 
University of Tehran

Zarifa Arzoo 
University of Pondicherry

Marzia Puya 
University of Pondicherry

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  8. [8] Fichtner GmbH (2013) “Islamic Republic of Afghanistan: Power Sector Master Plan” Fichtner GmbH. 451 p. (
  9. [9] Ershad AM, Brecha RJ, Hallinan K (2016) “Analysis of solar photovoltaic and wind power potential in Afghanistan” Renewable Energy (vol. 85, pp. 445–453)
  10. [10] Mainali B, Silveira S (2013) “Alternative pathways for providing access to electricity in developing countries” Renewable Energy (vol. 57, pp. 299–310)

The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Conference Proceeding (Special Issue)   Open Access   Published  Crossmark
A brief overview of Kabul city electrification Shirzai K, and Sabory NR.
Repa Proceeding Series, 2020, 1 (1): 46-51  DOI 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.06


Kabul faces challenges with fulfilling energy demand using a problematic conventional electrical grid. Its transportation system is disorganized, and ICT infrastructure is limited as the population growth rate is increasing. Kabul should determine feasible and efficient plans to make its energy system more sustainable and smart. Afghanistan energy utility Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat- (DABS) provided electricity demand, consumption, import, amount of thermal electricity and thermal generation data for this research. The data about ICT infrastructure has been extracted from SIGAR reports and transportation data has been obtained from the transportation department in Kabul. Population data come from Afghanistan Central Statistics Organization (CSO). In summary, usage of solar, wind, hydro and biomass energies and electricity by transmission lines are the most feasible and efficient ways to provide the needed electricity. A smart grid can be established through smart metering and energy efficiency as well as some measurement programs. Improved ICT infrastructure can benefit citizens with lower prices, better service, and increased competition. Finally, transportation systems options like electric vehicle (EV), public transportation, and ATMS are recommended.


Khatera Shirzai 
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University

Najib Rahman Sabory 
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University

  1. [1] Lund H, Østergaard PA, Connolly D, Mathiesen BV (2017) “Smart energy and smart energy systems” Energy (vol. 137, pp. 556–565)
  2. [2] Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS) (2011) “Electricity statistics” Kabul, Afghanistan, Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS).
  3. [3] Fichtner GmbH (2018) “Islamic Republic of Afghanistan: Power sector master plan” ( Accessed: 19 August 2019
  4. [4] Sasaki (2017) “Kabul urban design framework,” 1st ed. Kabul, Afghanistan, Ministry of Urban Development and Housing. ( Accessed: 1 November 2019
  5. [5] Renewable energy roadmap for Afghanistan (2015-2017) (2017) Kabul, Afghanistan, Asian Development Bank (ADB). ( Accessed: 1 November 2019
  6. [6] Salman SK (2017) “Introduction to the smart grid: Concepts, technologies and evolution,” 1st ed. London, UK, IET Digital Library. p. ISBN: 978-1-78561-120-9 ( Accessed: 1 November 2019
  7. [7] General Directorate of Traffic - Ministry of Interior Affairs MoI - Afghanistan (2019) “Kabul traffic statistics” (
  8. [8] Empowering the world to breathe cleaner air (2019) (
  9. [9] Afghanistan’s information and communications technology sector: U.S. agencies obligated over $2.6 billion to the sector, but the full scope of U.S. efforts is unknown (2016) Audit Report Virginia, USA, Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR). ( Accessed: 1 November 2019
  10. [10] Central Statistics Organization (CSO) - Afghanistan (2019) “Statistical indicators in Kabul province” Kabul, Afghanistan, Central Statistics Organization (CSO) - Afghanistan

The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Conference Proceeding (Special Issue)   Open Access   Published  Crossmark
Effect of cost fluctuations of agriculture products on farmer’s lives in Kabul Halim M.
Repa Proceeding Series, 2020, 1 (1): 52-55  DOI 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.07


The lives of 85% of the people of Afghanistan depend on agriculture. Every year, sudden changes in the cost of agricultural products leave most farmers discouraged as they suffer financial losses and are considered the most vulnerable in society. This research is focused on the effects of agricultural cost fluctuation on the life of the farmers, identifying root causes, and describing the role of the agriculture department in managing these changes using questionnaires. Qarabagh, Charaseab, Paghaman, Shakerdare, and Dehsabz are selected for this study. Random sampling selected 30 farmers as respondents. Questionnaires, interviews, and documentary reviews are used to collect data, which were analyzed using interpretive and reflexive qualitative approaches and descriptive statistics. The research shows that price fluctuation of agricultural products discourages farmers from striving for a better life.


Mursal Halim 
Department of Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics, Kabul University

  1. [1] MIS Directorate, Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock – Afghanistan (2019) “Agriculture statistics” ( Accessed: 1 November 2019
  2. [2] Pinstrup‐Andersen P (2014) “Contemporary food policy challenges and opportunities” Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 504–518)
  3. [3] Blocher E, Stout D, Juras P, Cokins G (2015) “Cost Management: A Strategic Emphasis,” 7th ed. New York, USA, McGraw-Hill. p. ISBN: 978-0-07-773377-3 ( Accessed: 22 April 2020
  4. [4] Huka H, Ruoja C, Mchopa A (2014) “Price Fluctuation of Agricultural Products and its Impact on Small Scale Farmers Development: Case Analysis from Kilimanjaro Tanzania” European Journal of Business and Management (vol. 6, no. 36, pp. 155–160)
  5. [5] Moore DS (2009) “The basic practice of statistics,” Fifth edition New York, USA, W. H. Freeman. 704 p. ISBN: 978-1-4292-2426-0

The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Conference Proceeding (Special Issue)   Open Access   Published  Crossmark
Electricity and heat supply to Kabul industrial parks using renewable energy sources Ebrahimi N, Sabory NR, and Anwarzai MA.
Repa Proceeding Series, 2020, 1 (1): 56-69  DOI 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.08


Industry has leading contribution in the economic development of the nations, however this sector needs a systematic and sustainable roadmap. From the planning point of view, there should be an IP (Industrial Park) with basic facilities such as water supply, sewerage system, electricity, access roads, and other entities, electricity and heat could be one of the key resources that drives the industrial parks. Kabul has three industrial parks, Pul-e-Charkhi, Arghandi, and Bagrami, and their total electrical demand is 180 MW (Kabul IPs utilize averagely daily in 8-hours of industrial activity 1440 MWh electrical energy). Da Afghanistan Breshna Shirkat (DABS) provides only 100 MW. Therefore, industries complete their electrical shortage by burning fossil fuels and rely on fossil fuels. Kabul IPs daily burn 141.86 toe of fossil fuel for thermal necessity and electric shortage. This fossil fuel creates environmental issues and pollution. According to the Afghanistan Metrology Organization (AMO), IPs are responsible for 30% of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions in Kabul city. One of the primary and best ways to solve this problem is the usage of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydro and geothermal energies. Kabul industrial parks annually paid $73.01 million, and the total cost of building the hybrid renewable plant of a CSP and Solar PVs is $545.36 million. The payback time is 7.5 years. In this study, we try to find the electrical and thermal demand of IPs, and after that, the feasibility of a renewable energy park by considering the Kabul IPs metrology data. Moreover, The feasibility of having an eco-industrial park has been studied.


Najibullah Ebrahimi 
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University

Najib Rahman Sabory 
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University

Mohammad Abed Anwarzai 
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University

  1. [1] Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS) (2019) “Afghanistan industrial parks electricity necessity” ( Accessed: 9 December 2019
  2. [2] Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MCI) - Afghanistan (2019) “Industrial data” ( Accessed: 14 October 2019
  3. [3] Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MoCI) - Afghanistan (2019) “Industrial Parks” ( Accessed: 9 December 2019
  4. [4] Najibullah E (2019) “Industrials” (Industrial Parks, Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MoCI) - Afghanistan)
  5. [5] Negah Y (2019) “Annual report” Kabul, Afghanistan, Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI). ( ReportEnglish.pdf) Accessed: 1 October 2019
  6. [6] Directorate of Analysis And Evaluation - Afghanistan Investment Support Agency (AISA) (2013) “Industrial parks in Afghanistan: Growth, challenges and recommendation” Analytical report Kabul, Afghanistan, Directorate of Analysis And Evaluation - Afghanistan Investment Support Agency (AISA). ( Accessed: 1 November 2019
  7. [7] Afghanistan metrology data (2019) Afghanistan Metrology Organization (AMO) ( Accessed: 14 November 2019
  8. [8] Anwarzai MA (2018) “Research and analysis of Afghanistan’s wind, solar, and geothermal resources potential” (Doctoral Dissertation) Tokyo, Japan, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology ( Accessed: 4 July 2020
  9. [9] Map showing the location of Deh Sabz, Kabul, Afghanistan (100m) (2019) ( Accessed: 28 November 2019
  10. [10] Map showing the location of Deh Sabz, Kabul, Afghanistan (50) (2019) ( Accessed: 28 November 2019
  11. [11] Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW) - Afghanistan (2018) “Afghanistan agrometeorological bulletin” ( Accessed: 1 November 2019
  12. [12] Central Statistics Organization (CSO) - Afghanistan (2019) “Statistical indicators in Kabul province” Kabul, Afghanistan, Central Statistics Organization (CSO) - Afghanistan.
  13. [13] SunPower (2019) “400–425 W residential AC module” ( Accessed: 7 July 2019
  14. [14] Singal L, Harats Y (2016) “Hybrid renewable energy parks” ( Accessed: 1 November 2019
  15. [15] Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW) - Afghanistan (2019) “Afghanistan energy condition” ( Accessed: 1 November 2019
  16. [16] Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MCI) - Afghanistan “Industries development” ( Accessed: 14 October 2019

The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Conference Proceeding (Special Issue)   Open Access   Published  Crossmark
Optimum solution for plastic waste reduction in Kabul city Nazari N, Sabory NR, and Mohsini S.
Repa Proceeding Series, 2020, 1 (1): 70-76  DOI 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.09


This research is about management of the sewer and drainage system in Kabul city, which is predicted to continue growing in population. According to the new Master Plan, the city population will grow from 4.5 million in 2017 to 9 million by 2050. Kabul’s rapid population growth has put pressure on its economy, social services, and housing. However, the major urban systems such as roads, water supply, and sewage were poorly planned and implemented. In this article, we will analyze the current problems of sewage in Kabul as it does not have a pre-established municipal sewage system. Kabul’s management, and control of wastewater is compared with the various cities around the world. In this research, a new approach is proposed for the Master Plan improvement considering review of similar cities in the world and a case study of Omid-e-Sabz, a town west of Kabul.


Nazanin Nazari 
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University

Najib Rahman Sabory 
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University

Shuaib Mohsini 
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University

  1. [1] Ali SS, Ijaz N, Aman N, Noor EM (2017) “Feasibility study of low density waste plastic in non load bearing asphalt pavement in district faisalabad” Earth Sciences Pakistan (ESP) (vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 17–18)
  2. [2] Napper IE, Bakir A, Rowland SJ, Thompson RC (2015) “Characterisation, quantity and sorptive properties of microplastics extracted from cosmetics” Mar Pollut Bull (vol. 99, no. 1–2, pp. 178–185)
  3. [3] Kenya bans plastic bags (2011) The Independent ( Accessed: 1 November 2019
  4. [4] Jambeck JR, Geyer R, Wilcox C, Siegler TR, Perryman M, et al. (2015) “Plastic waste inputs from land into the ocean” Science (vol. 347, no. 6223, pp. 768–771)
  5. [5] Clean Up (2015) “Report on actions to reduce circulation of single-use plastic bags around the world: August 2015” ( Accessed: 1 November 2019
  6. [6] Barnes DKA, Galgani F, Thompson RC, Barlaz M (2009) “Accumulation and fragmentation of plastic debris in global environments” Philos Trans R Soc Lond, B, Biol Sci (vol. 364, no. 1526, pp. 1985–1998)
  7. [7] Gold Fortune (2019) “Natural jute burlap shopping tote bags with cotton handles buttoned closure front” Amazon ( Accessed: 1 November 2019
  8. [8] Wholesale kraft paper bags supplier (2019) TradeMart Exports ( Accessed: 1 November 2019
  9. [9] Kabul Municipality (2019) “Solid waste audit in Kabul” ( Accessed: 1 November 2019

The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Conference Proceeding (Special Issue)   Open Access   Published  Crossmark
A case study of an educational building transformation to renewable energy Kohistani MF, Sabory NR, Zarabie AK, and Ahmadi M.
Repa Proceeding Series, 2020, 1 (1): 77-88  DOI 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.10


This is an economic and technical feasibility analysis of a pilot project on transitioning energy usage to renewable and sustainable sources of energy for the Engineering School at Kabul University from economic, security, and academic considerations. The objectives of this research are improving energy security and sustainability, achieving economic benefits, and reflecting the advantages of renewable energy for Afghanistan's sustainable development. Energy demand for the Engineering School is calculated before and after transitioning to adaptable renewable energy resources. The total initial cost of a new system is about 14,237,771AFN with an operation and maintenance (O&M) cost of 341,862.74 AFN/year with the payback time of investment of fewer than 4.5 years. Based on this investigation, we found that it is economical and technically feasible to switch to renewable and sustainable sources of energy, especially in commercial and governmental buildings.


Mohammad Fahim Kohistani 
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University

Najib Rahman Sabory 
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University

Ahmad Khalid Zarabie 
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University

Mikaeel Ahmadi 
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of the Ryukyus

  1. [1] National Statistics and Information Authority (NSIA) - Afghanistan (2019) “Yearbook Afghanistan statistical 2018-19” ( Accessed: 15 April 2020
  2. [2] General Directorate of Traffic - Ministry of Interior Affairs MoI - Afghanistan (2019) “Kabul traffic statistics” (
  3. [3] Fiebig M, Wiartalla A, Holderbaum B, Kiesow S (2014) “Particulate emissions from diesel engines: correlation between engine technology and emissions” Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology (vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 6)
  4. [4] Effects of air pollution and acid rain on vegetation (2019) Air Pollution ( Accessed: 1 November 2019
  5. [5] Natural Resources Canada (2017) “Energy and greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs)” Natural Resources Canada ( Accessed: 1 November 2019
  6. [6] Sugarcane biofuels: Status, potential, and prospects of the sweet crop to fuel the world (2019), 1st ed. Berlin, Germany, Springer. 472 p. ISBN: 978-3-030-18596-1
  7. [7] Methane (2019) Gas Innovations ( Accessed: 1 November 2019

The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Conference Proceeding (Special Issue)   Open Access   Published  Crossmark
Impact of fuel consumption in the transportation sector on people, animals, and plant life in Kabul city Faizi S, Sabory NR, and Layan AH.
Repa Proceeding Series, 2020, 1 (1): 89-95  DOI 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.11


This research focused on fuel consumption and its dangerous emission and negative impact on people, animals, and plants’ life in Kabul city. This research is evaluated and described total fuel consumed by all vehicles as 2,306,481 m3/year, in a separate form: 911,542 m3/year petrol consumption and 1,394,939 m3/year diesel consumption. Also, the amount of pollution which is emitted from burning these fuel-based resources is 2,180,408 ton/year CO2, 46 ton/year NOX, 529 kg/year SOX from the total amount of petrol consumption, and 3,431,550 ton/year CO2, 642 kg/year from diesel consumption. It is suggested to use applicable technologies and approaches to reduce fuel consumption and air pollution such as reducing trips, using public transportation, walking down and using bicycles, using biodiesel, preferring multiple occupant vehicles, electrical bus infrastructure develop, and expanding the use of clean fuel vehicles, Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG).


Shukria Faizi 
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University

Najib Rahman Sabory 
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University

Abdul Hamid Layan 
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University

  1. [1] National Statistics and Information Authority (NSIA) - Afghanistan (2019) “Yearbook Afghanistan statistical 2018-19” ( Accessed: 15 April 2020
  2. [2] General Directorate of Traffic - Ministry of Interior Affairs MoI - Afghanistan (2019) “Kabul traffic statistics” (
  3. [3] Fiebig M, Wiartalla A, Holderbaum B, Kiesow S (2014) “Particulate emissions from diesel engines: correlation between engine technology and emissions” Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology (vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 6)
  4. [4] Effects of air pollution and acid rain on vegetation (2019) Air Pollution ( Accessed: 1 November 2019
  5. [5] Natural Resources Canada (2017) “Energy and greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs)” Natural Resources Canada ( Accessed: 1 November 2019
  6. [6] Sugarcane biofuels: Status, potential, and prospects of the sweet crop to fuel the world (2019), 1st ed. Berlin, Germany, Springer. 472 p. ISBN: 978-3-030-18596-1
  7. [7] Methane (2019) Gas Innovations ( Accessed: 1 November 2019

The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Conference Proceeding (Special Issue)   Open Access   Published  Crossmark
Afghanistan renewable energy sector’s human resources estimation until 2032 Sadat SMW, and Sabory NR.
Repa Proceeding Series, 2020, 1 (1): 96-101  DOI 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.12


Afghanistan with abundant sources of renewable energies has the plan to generate about 4,500 - 5,000 megawatts of its energy from renewable energies sources until 2032. However, it is still one of the energy importer countries. Human resources are one of the most fundamental and vital parts of a sector. Energy sector also needs enough human resources for its development and improvement. As a sector is developing, its requirement of human resources is increasing. Therefore, the number of its human resources must be increased too. Afghanistan, with a promoting renewable energy sector, has an essential need to have enough human resources for the energy sector. To ensure better future for country’s energy sector, it is necessary to estimate the needed human resources. In this research, we used the potential of renewable energy resources of Afghanistan to estimate the required human resources on construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of renewable energies power plants. Based on this research’s findings, the required number of human resources until 2032 in Afghanistan is estimated over 34,000 people which plays a significant role in job creation as well energy sector empowerment. We suggest that the government of Afghanistan hire the needed human resources through meritocracy to become self-sufficient in the energy industry and to be one of the energy exporter countries.


Sayed Mohamad Waleed Sadat 
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University

Najib Rahman Sabory 
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University

  1. [1] Fichtner GmbH (2018) “Islamic Republic of Afghanistan: Power sector master plan” ( Accessed: 19 August 2019
  2. [2] World Bank (2019) “Afghanistan” World Bank ( Accessed: 1 November 2019
  3. [3] Ahmadzai S, McKinna A (2018) “Afghanistan electrical energy and trans-boundary water systems analyses: Challenges and opportunities” Energy Reports (vol. 4, pp. 435–469)
  4. [4] Anwarzai MA (2018) “Research and analysis of Afghanistan’s wind, solar, and geothermal resources potential” (Doctoral Dissertation) Tokyo, Japan, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology ( Accessed: 1 November 2019
  5. [5] IT Power Consulting Private Limited (2017) “Renewable energy roadmap for Afghanistan RER2032” India, Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW) - Afghanistan. ( Accessed: 1 November 2019
  6. [6] Maitra B (2016) “Investment in human capital and economic growth in Singapore” Global Business Review (vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 425–437)
  7. [7] International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) (2019) “Renewable power generation costs” Abu Dhabi, UAE, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). ( Accessed: 1 November 2019
  8. [8] International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) (2018) “Renewable Energy and Jobs: Annual Review 2018” Abu Dhabi, UAE, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). ( Accessed: 4 July 2020
  9. [9] Samadi AR (2011) “Energy consumption and available energy resources in Afghanistan” Kabul, Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS). ( Accessed: 1 November 2019
  10. [10] UN Environment Programme (UNEP) (2008) “Green jobs: Towards decent work in a sustainable, low-carbon world” Washington DC., USA, UN Environment Programme (UNEP). ( Accessed: 1 November 2019
  11. [11] U.S. Energy Information Administration (2019) “Electric power annual 2018” Washington DC., USA, U.S. Energy Information Administration. ( Accessed: 1 November 2019
  12. [12] Confederation of Indian Industry (2010) “Human resource development strategies for Indian renewable energy sector” New Delhi, India.
  13. [13] U.S. Department of Energy (2017) “U.S. energy and employment report” United States, United States Government, the U.S. Department of Energy. ( Accessed: 1 November 2019
  14. [14] Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS) (2011) “Electricity statistics” Kabul, Afghanistan, Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS).
  15. [15] Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW) - Afghanistan (2018) “Afghanistan agrometeorological bulletin” ( Accessed: 1 November 2019

The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Conference Proceeding (Special Issue)   Open Access   Published  Crossmark
An overview of sewage system management in Kabul Karimi MH, Mohammadi MA, Amiri M, Nighat-Noori MM, and Sabory NR.
Repa Proceeding Series, 2020, 1 (1): 102-109  DOI 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.13


This research is about management of the sewer and drainage system in Kabul city, which is predicted to continue growing in population. According to the new Master Plan, the city population will grow from 4.5 million in 2017 to 9 million by 2050. Kabul’s rapid population growth has put pressure on its economy, social services, and housing, but the major urban systems such as roads, water supply, and sewage were poorly planned and implemented. In this article, we will analyze the current problems of sewage in Kabul as it does not have a pre-established municipal sewage system. We compare Kabul’s management and control of wastewater to various cities around the world. We present our solution for the Master Plan with a literature review of similar cities in the world and a case study of Omid-e-Sabz, a town west of Kabul.


Mohammad Hussain Karimi 
Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University

Mohammad Amin Mohammadi 
Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University

Muslim Amiri 
Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University

Mohammad Mahdi Nighat-Noori 
Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University

Najib Rahman Sabory 
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University

  1. [1] Sasaki (2017) “Kabul urban design framework,” 1st ed. Kabul, Afghanistan, Ministry of Urban Development and Housing. ( Accessed: 1 November 2019
  2. [2] Skyline Civil Group (2016) “The sewers of ancient Rome” Skyline Civil Group ( Accessed: 9 March 2010
  3. [3] Nicki jo Armfield (2019) “Sanitation in ancient Rome” Online Learning - Prezi ( Accessed: 8 March 2020
  4. [4] Dwarf Fortress Wiki (2019) “DF2014: Sewer” ( Accessed: 1 November 2019
  5. [5] Tata RP (2013) “Municipal sewer systems: Case studies” New York, USA, Continuing Education and Development, Inc. ( Accessed: 1 November 2019
  6. [6] Abellán J (2017) “Water supply and sanitation services in modern Europe: developments in 19th-20th centuries” 12th International Congress of the Spanish Association of Economic History Salamanca, Spain, Spanish Association for Energy Economics (AEEE) - pp. 1–17.
  7. [7] De Feo G, Antoniou G, Fardin H, El-Gohary F, Zheng X, et al. (2014) “The historical development of sewers worldwide” Sustainability (vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 3936–3974)
  8. [8] Baker M (2008) “Discovering London statues and monuments,” 5th ed. Princes Risborough, Shire. 128 p. ISBN: 978-0-7478-0495-6
  9. [9] OpenLearn (2018) “How London got its Victorian sewers” Medium ( Accessed: 1 November 2019
  10. [10] London sewerage system (2020) Wikipedia ( Accessed: 10 April 2020
  11. [11] United Nations (UN) (2019) “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” ( Accessed: 1 November 2019

The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.

 Conference Proceeding (Special Issue)   Open Access   Published  Crossmark
An overview of cost-effective energy storage technologies Hashimi SB, Zaheb H, and Sabory NR.
Repa Proceeding Series, 2020, 1 (1): 110-115  DOI 10.37357/1068/SODC2019.1.1.14


After the industrial revolution and world technological growth, humanity and society seek to use energy resources more efficiently. The global economy currently relies on electricity for the economic and development of world nations. Electrical energy is used mostly in cities and commercial industries. This study focuses on changing the energy production and consumption patterns in Kabul as it is faced with many challenges and problems in providing needed electrical energy within its power network. For solving these problems and challenges, national policymakers are searching for practical and economical methods to provide electric energy for capital region in a sustainable manner. One suggestion is the storage of electrical energy, which can act when the network is under pressure and to avoid power outages. Electric Energy storage(EES)can be used as a secondary source to those regions which are not connected to the national power network. This research aims to find the most appropriate and practical solutions for the storage of extra and additional electrical energy at Kabul city.


Sayed Belal Hashimi 
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University

Hameedullah Zaheb 
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University

Najib Rahman Sabory 
Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University

  1. [1] Inage S (2009) “Prospects for large-scale energy storage in decarbonized power grids” Working Paper Paris, France, International Energy Agency (IEA). ( Accessed: 1 November 2019
  2. [2] Genta G (1985) “Kinetic energy storage: Theory and practice of advanced flywheel systems,” 1st ed. Amsterdam, Netherlands, Butterworths. 362 p. ISBN: 978-0-408-01396-3
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  6. [6] International Energy Agency (IEA) (2014) “Technology roadmap: energy storage” Paris, France, International Energy Agency (IEA). ( Accessed: 1 November 2019
  7. [7] Akhil AA, Huff G, Currier AB, Kaun BC, Rastler DM, et al. (2014) “DOE/EPRI electricity storage handbook in collaboration with NRECA” Albuquerque, New Mexico, Sandia National Laboratories. ( Accessed: 1 November 2019
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The author(s) has received no specific funding for this article/publication.