Research Project 1

Project Title Electro-Microbiology: A Green Approach for Energy and Environment Sustainability
Objective To explore and develop sustainable and green approaches for converting waste into valuable resources using electro-microbiology, with a focus on improving microbial fuel cells and microbial electrolysis cells for energy production and environmental sustainability.
Description Energy scarcity and environmental degradation have developed into major worldwide challenges. Electro-microbiology has the potential to turn trash into environmentally friendly and sustainable resources. Low power density MFCs remain a viable option for disposing of organic waste, as they are more cost-effective than previous methods. Coordination between researchers with diverse backgrounds is required to issues look at the new gates in waste to energy issues. Biocathodes are necessary for electrosynthesis because they require microorganisms to function as an electron source and then catalyze chemical synthesis. Organic compounds may be synthesized using discarded CO2 as a carbon source, reducing the requirement for considerable quantities of arable land. Additionally, the proposed approach can be sustainable and carbon neutral when a renewable energy source is explored. An additional benefit of microbial-assisted chemical synthesis with MECs is that it enables the production of valuable chemicals from wastewater while producing electricity. This study examines the sustainable approaches for green energy by discussing bioelectrochemical and electrochemical resources and technologies.
Key Findings The findings from the study on electro-microbiology highlight several significant advancements in the field. Firstly, electro-microbiology has demonstrated its potential to effectively convert waste into valuable resources, such as biofuels and chemicals, offering a promising solution for energy and environmental sustainability. Additionally, microbial fuel cells (MFCs) and microbial electrolysis cells (MECs) have shown dual functionality in treating wastewater while simultaneously generating electricity, providing an efficient method for managing organic waste and producing renewable energy. The use of biocathodes in electrosynthesis processes has been particularly noteworthy, as it enables the reduction of CO2 to organic compounds. This approach not only mitigates carbon emissions but also reduces the need for large tracts of arable land typically required for such processes, presenting a more sustainable alternative. Furthermore, the research underscores the importance of adopting sustainable and carbon-neutral methods, achievable through the integration of renewable energy sources into these technologies. Lastly, the study emphasizes the critical role of interdisciplinary collaboration among researchers from various backgrounds. Such coordination is essential for advancing waste-to-energy technologies and overcoming the complex challenges associated with these innovative approaches. By fostering a collaborative environment, the field of electro-microbiology can continue to evolve and contribute significantly to global sustainability efforts.
Funder Research and Education Promotion Association (REPA)
Grant Number P01EN2201JP01
Funding Amount Confidential
Grant Year 2022
Duration 2 years
Principal Investigator (PI) Dr. Danish Mir Sayed Shah
Principal Researcher (PR) Dr. Manisha Phour
Contributors Manisha Phour, Mir Sayed Shah Danish, Najib Rahman Sabory, Mikaeel Ahmadi, Tomonobu Senjyu
Contributors' Institutions Research and Education Promotion Association (REPA), Nagoya University, University of the Ryukyus, Kabul University
Publications Sustainability 2022, 14(17), 10676;
Citation Phour, Manisha, Mir Sayed Shah Danish, Najib Rahman Sabory, Mikaeel Ahmadi, and Tomonobu Senjyu. 2022. "Electro-Microbiology: A Green Approach for Energy and Environment Sustainability" Sustainability 14, no. 17: 10676.
Future Work
  • Further optimization of microbial fuel cells and microbial electrolysis cells for higher efficiency and power density.
  • Exploration of new microbial strains and biocathodes for enhanced electrosynthesis.
  • Scale-up studies for industrial application of electro-microbiological technologies.
  • Investigation of sustainable energy sources to achieve carbon neutrality.
  • Development of integrated systems for simultaneous wastewater treatment and energy production.
Project Status Completed
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