The COVID-19 has declared a pandemic (WHO, 2020). Meanwhile, we realize our responsibility towards this salient academic event. If you concerned with travel ban, you can present online.
A peer-reviewed International Conference Series on
Papers selected for publication in the IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES) will be sent for indexing in Conference Proceedings Citation Index: Science (CPCI-S), (Thomson Reuters, Web of Science), Scopus, Ei Compendex, GeoBase, Georef , Inspec, Chemical Abstracts Service, NASA Astrophysics Data System, INIS (International Nuclear Information System).
The SODC 2020 was successfully held: A message from the Conference Manager
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adaption models and scenarios are interlinkage efforts, which connected in some way to transform the world and secure societies’ resiliency. Conceptualization of optimal models and scenarios requires impactful global endeavors to outreach viable sustainability. Deployment of interdisciplinary themes based on decent research, modern technologies, and innovative approves are necessary actions to put forward. Assessing alternative paths to the SDGs by implying potential synergies of incorporated multidimensional themes in terms of validating of finding and responsiveness are known exigence.
International Conference Series on: Sustainability Outreach in Developing Countries (SODC) 2020 is a peer-reviewed conference that emanates recent researches based on an exhaustive topic of the day “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”. This conference establishes interdisciplinary coverage of sustainability and argues its pillars (environmental, technical and technological, social, institutional, and economic disciplinaries) for long-run sustainability.
The SODC-2020 calls for transboundary researches, experiences, case studies, and lessons learned to cover conceptual and empirical research contributions within the scope of this conference. In a big image, this conference offers viable options for societies transition in the 21st century for (1) a well-being life to eradicate poverty, (2) mitigate climate change, (3) promote lifelong learning opportunities, (4) empower sociality, (5) deploy affordable energy, (6) sustain economic growth, (7) offer innovation, (8) reduce inequality, (9) ensure global sustainability and so on.
Conference Highlights
Our past events
The SODC 2020 organizing committee tries to expedite various options for attendees. Not only to attend the conference but also to make an amazing trip with social tours and sightseeing.
Upcoming conferences are temporarily postponed!
International Conferences Series on Sustainability Outreach in Developing Countries (SODC 2020) emerging researches coverage at a global stage to address the silent question that:
Why the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030 is a matter of discussion? Therefore this series is a global effort, to sum up with viable approaches in terms of taking climate action, changing lifestyle, eradicating poverty, enhancing societies, … , and sustaining the globe.
Berlin | Germany | 2020
Manager: TBD
Izmir | Turkey | 2020
Manager: Ms. Yasemin Y.
Warsaw | Poland | 2020
Manager: Ms. Alex G.
Bangkok | Thailand | 2020
Manager: Ms. Guendulene R.
Do you want to contribute to this trend and manage a conference in your city (country)? If so, please contact us to sponsor you (technically and financially). Research and Education Promotion Association (REPA) committed to furnish the SDGs 2030 on a global scale.
Date: 30-31 May, 2020 | Time: 08:30 AM – 04:30 PM | Halls: A & B
Location: 50th Anniversary Hall, University of the Ryukyus, 1 Senbaru, Nishihara City, Nakagami District, Okinawa Prefecture, 903-0129, Japan
Contact: | +81 98 894-2472 (English) Mishell Ann. (Ms.)