All full papers sent for conference proceedings (Conference Series 2022 Issue, DOI prefix: 10.37357/1068/rps, ISSN 2435-7308) will be accepted through a double-blind review process and will be assigned ISBNs for electronic and printed versions.

Selected papers will be considered for further improvement and for publication in (Web of Science and Scopus indexed publications):

(1) Special Issue: Journal of Sustainability (Impact Factor: 2.576) “Shaping Sustainability as a Lifestyle through Designing Agile Energy Strategies: Acting Responsibly and Thinking Sustainably” With 50-70% APC discounts (

(2) Special Issues: Different Journals free of charges with 100% APC discount (

(3) Chapter Book: "Eco-Friendly and Agile Energy Strategies and Policy Development", IGI Global (

The below steps should be followed by authors before, while, and after full paper submission.

Publication Process

Our straightforward four-step simple publication process ensures high quality and rapid publication.


(1)  Preliminary Check

At this stage, paper is screening for essential criteria:

1- Topic suitability to the conference scope

2- Content and writing quality

3- Plagiarism similarity percentage

4- Layout and formatting style

After a preliminary screening, the conference secretarial board will sum up with one of these decisions.

1- Passed- It will be forwarded to the scientific/technical committee, potential reviewers assigned to the manuscript.

2- Resubmit- Resubmit email with improving instructions sent to author(s).

3- Reject- Rejection email sent to author.


(2)  Decision

After receiving the reviewers’ reports; based on these reports, one of these decisions will be reached:

1- Accept – Acceptance email with publication, registration, invitation, and accommodation details sent to author(s).

2- Revise– Modification email with instructions sent to author(s).

3- Reject – Rejection email sent to author.


Reviewers judgment will be based on these criteria:

  1. Practical significance
  2. Appropriateness for this conference
  3. Adequacy of analysis of issues
  4. Novelty of the contents and research
  5. Organization of the contents
  6. Clarity of presentation
  7. Overall originality and soundness


(3)  Presentation
All accepted papers should present at the conference in any possible means (onsite: oral and poster presentations; and offsite: online and virtual). Using the conference presentation template is highly recommended.


(4)  Publication
After registration (payment of the conference fee) and presentation, accepted paper will be scheduled for publication. Finally, papers will be submitted for publication and indexing with high-ranking academic databases. Also, selected papers give the privilege of additional publication in a special issue of different journals and books within the scope of publishers.

(5)  Copyediting and Proofreading Free Services
The editorial team provides editing and proofreading services for all submitted manuscripts; we scrutinize your paper line-by-line, correcting all the grammatical errors and ensuring the flow of communication with proper formatting.
After the editing process, your document will be returned to you with the suggestions highlighted, ensuring that your main aim remains clear and that the right message is being passed across. These services’ expenses bear by the Research and REPA (Research and Education Promotion Association is registered in Japan as a non-profit entity | Reg. No. 3600-05-006134) as the main sponsor and copyright holder.

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